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Patient Wall of Fame

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    ~ BLAKE ~

    Smooth getaway courtesy of Dr. K’s shockwave therapy on my cranky ankle.

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    ~ Sabrina ~

    Post FHL reconstruction surgery with Dr.Kennedy. I couldn’t be happier to walk the red carpet at p...

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    ~ Carol ~

    I saw dr Kennedy and Egan last February for posterior tibialis ligament surgery. I just returned fro...

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    ~ Gail ~

    Here is a picture of me finishing flat as a pancake Triathalon three years post surgery!!

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    ~ Paul ~

    After Ankle Arthroscopy with ATFL Reconstruction only 9 weeks ago I’m back riding and taking on th...

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    ~ Gilda ~

    We went skiing this Chinese New Year in Japan – the first time I was on a set of skis after the ac...

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    ~ Sean ~

    Sean Verdi Jr, a Navy Seal, had a basketball injury which triggered a turf toe injury. He was seen l...

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    ~ Dr. Greg ~

    Doctor’s Day has gained a whole new appreciation from me as I’ve transitioned from physician to ...

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    ~ Chef Contos ~

    My first words in the recovery room were with Dr. Kennedy as I was waking up after my 5 hour mid-foo...

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